The Complete World of Sports (abridged)

It Might Be the BIG Apple… but there’s a REDUCED price! (Available only for a SHORT time)

The Reduced Shakespeare Company returns to The New Victory Theater (New York’s theater for kids and families… and those who refuse to act their age) for a three week run of The Complete World of Sports (abridged). Austin, Matt and Reed are ready to once again tackle life’s big questions: Is bowling really a sport? Who invented curling? How DOES one get to the Subway Series?

The New Vic is running a special offer for RSC fans who step up to the plate now: 15% off any performance, any seat if purchased by Oct 21st. (more…)


While performing The Complete World of Sports (abridged) at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC this summer the RSC boys spoke with Neil Conan on National Public Radio's "Talk of the Nation." Comic hijinx ensued. Listen and you just might be Read more…
The Complete World of Sports (abridged)

Washington DC – We Have a Consensus!

The Complete World of Sports (abridged)
Folks in Washington DC don’t agree on much this summer. But they are unanimous in their delirious enjoyment of the DC premiere of  The Complete World of Sports (abridged) at the Kennedy Center Terrace Theatre.  Here’s what the critics have to say:

Washington Post: “The pacing and timing are crackerjack. It’s hard not to grin all night, so give ’em a medal: Who’s gonna beat their time in a comic sprint?” Read Review

Washington Examiner: “Delicious anarchy.” Read Full Review



There has been an amazing buzz surrounding Reduced Shakespeare Company debut of "The Complete World of Sports (abridged)." No, not Buzz Lightyear. Not even Buzz Aldrin. It's been the buzz from the press which has called SPORTS (abridged) "deeply funny," "absolutely Read more…

Episode 193. Reduced Rehearsal Barn

“The actors in the RSC’s newest show The Complete World of Sports (abridged)Matt Rippy, Reed Martin, and Austin Tichenor – take a break from rehearsing (in this magnificent structure) to discuss how the new show is shaping up so far. Featuring cautious optimism, fear and trepidations, shout-outs to our predecessors, an outbreak of song, and our first bilingual celebrity blurb! (MP3. Length 20:09)


“THE OSCARS OF TWITTER!” Winners Announced March 3

The Reduced Shakespeare Company is a finalist in the second annual Shorty Awards, which honors “the best producers of shortShorty Awards Logo (140 characters or less) real-time content.” Translated, that means the award is given to the person or company who uses and exploits the social network Twitter to its maximum effect. The Shorty Awards have been called “the Oscars of Twitter” by CNN and USA Today.

Well, who else should win a Shorty Award but a Reduced Shakespeare Company?! We’ve been producers of reduced content for years.

We Tweet mostly ‘cuz it’s fun. Twitter’s a great way to mini-blog about what we’re up to, to dialogue with our fans, and to spread the love about other things and people we see and love and want to proselytize about. But to get an award for it? That’d be awesome.

Shorty Awards are given in a number of categories (each designated by a hashtag), from #advertising, #apps, and #art to #tech, #travel, and #weird. We’re a finalist in the #culturalinstitution category, primarily because there is no #theatre category.

Final voting ends Friday February 5 at noon EST. Anybody with an active Twitter account can vote (you can’t just create a Twitter account to vote, they’re too clever to allow that). Finalists are judged not only on the quality of their Tweets, but also the number and quality of your votes!  So when you go to the Shorty Awards website and fill in the vote box (“I vote for @reduced for a Shorty Award in #culturalinstitution because…”), please make the reason cool and brief!

Numbers count too. As of today, we have almost 2500 Followers! If only ten percent of you vote, we’ll win.
