Episode 453. Indoors Vs. Outdoors

Published by austin on

LongLostDropThe workshop production of William Shakespeare’s Long Lost First Play (abridged) opened last week at the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival (where it runs until August 30). Having performed this production for three weeks outdoors at Shakespeare Napa Valley, NDSF actors Chad Yarish, Dan Saski, and Teddy Spencer, talk about the differences performing outdoors in St. Helena and indoors at Notre Dame. Featuring audience responses fueled by alcohol or coffee, the beauty of a two-week break between productions, the necessity of commanding the space, a sense of event, the pros and cons of formality, the wonderful sense of involving the audience in the “play”, a random Simpsons reference, and special encouragement from Dominic Conti. (Brought to you by Blaze Pizza®.) (Not really.) (Length 17:00)


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