Episode 306. Returning To ‘America’

Published by austin on

The Reduced Shakespeare Company PodcastThe Complete History of America (abridged) premiered in 1993 and ran at the Criterion Theatre in London from 1996 to 2005, and has toured recently around the US and to Singapore and Hong Kong. For this 2012 tour of the show’s “Special Election Edition”, Dustin Sullivan returns with original cast members and co-authors Reed Martin and Austin Tichenor to share their thoughts about what it’s like to return to the script after a break of at least a couple of years. Featuring insight into the script’s hidden structure, how one section was inspired by a Second City improv sketch by David Razowsky and Stephen Colbert, the value of not being slavish to the big laugh, and what it’s like returning to an old friend. (Length 21:40)


Fatima · November 13, 2012 at 4:05 am

I was searching for some Shakespearean performance on the YouTube when I encountered your plays and being a literature student, I laughed my very best at the some serious lines I have ever read or felt. Then I searched for you guys wanted to know more about your company then came across this podcast about Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens who was also a friend to one of the theatre members.

I was really moved by the prayer Chris wrote in his postcard. I am a Muslim originally from Pakistan living in Saudi, only know my prayers in Arabic but can’t converse a single sentence in Arabic as that’s not my language and haven’t really given it a hard try to learnt too. Although he was an ambassador still he made an effort and that shows what a friendly kind of a person he was.

We were( the educated muslim community in general) were shocked to hear the news of his assassination as islamically and legally it was atrocious and not permissible at all.

However, as it is the most gloomiest phase of ignorance over some Muslims…may Allah protect us all ( muslims and non muslims i mean)and give his true and right guidance so we can all excel in this world and the hereafter …ameen!

Tom Knego · October 27, 2012 at 3:57 pm

Austin-great job on the podcast re Chris Stephens…great tribute.

Tom Knego

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