Episode 228. We’re Catching Up

Published by austin on

Reduced Shakespeare Company PodcastMulti-hyphenate RSC Office Manager Alli Bostedt catches us up on how she manages to juggle her many duties while she’s on the road. Also, Dominic Conti catches us up on all the awards our friends’ web series The Best Friend won at LA WebFest. And we catch up with our many listeners who let us know their most intimate podcast rituals. Featuring an unnecessary Jackson Browne tangent and tips on how interested folks can get involved with the Reduced Shakespeare Company. Prepare to be blown away by the glamour of show business. (MP3. Length 23:01)


austin · April 21, 2011 at 1:18 pm


(But hard to dispute. He’s no Nora Roberts, either.)

Greg · April 21, 2011 at 12:39 pm

I promised Austin a comment he could push the not approve button for.

Will Shakespeare? Not that great. Certainly no Mickey Spillane.

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