All the Great Books (abridged) – The Syllabus

These are all the great books covered in All The Great Books (abridged)*

*Actual greatness may vary.


The Aeneid

Alice in Wonderland

Animal Farm

Anna Karenina

Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas


Brave New World

Bridges of Madison County

The Brothers Karamazov

The Canterbury Tales

A Christmas Carol

The Count of Monte Cristo

Crime and Punishment

Das Capital

David Copperfield

Death in Venice


Diary of Anne Frank

The Divine Comedy

Don Quixote

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


The Feminine Mystique

For Whom The Bell Tolls

The Fountainhead


Gone With The Wind

The Grapes of Wrath

Great Expectations

The Great Gatsby

Green Eggs and Ham

Harry Potter & the Sorcererʼs Stone

Heart of Darkness

Hound of the Baskervilles

Huckleberry Finn

Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Idiot

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

The Iliad

Interpretation of Dreams

The Invisible Man


Leaves of Grass

Little Women


Lord of the Flies



Moby Dick

The Odyssey

Of Mice and Men

Oliver Twist

On The Road

One Flew Over The Cuckooʼs Nest

The Origin of Species


The Picture of Dorian Gray

Plato’s Republic

Pride and Prejudice

Remembrance of Things Past

Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary

The Satanic Verses

The Scarlet Letter

Sense and Sensibility

Silas Marner

Silent Spring

The Story of Genji

A Tale of Two Cities

Tao Te Ching


Tess of the DʼUrbervilles

The Three Musketeers

Thus Spake Zarathustra

To Kill A Mockingbird

Tom Jones

To The Lighthouse

Treasure Island

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas


Valley of the Dolls


War and Peace

White Fang

The Wizard of Oz

Wuthering Heights