Director Sara Holdren

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Sara Holdren is not just one of the best theatre critics out there, she’s a director as well whose production of As You Like It opens this week at Shakespeare at Notre Dame and plays through Labor Day. Sara reveals how she connected Shakespeare’s 400-year-old play to the current moment; how we craft community; how she drew inspiration from Vermont’s Bread and Puppet Theatre; the challenge of being both textually and texturally surprising; how As You Like It requires an ensemble of clowns and the challenge of figuring out the comedy math; how “criticism is directing backwards;” the value of doing table work while standing up and moving around; formative memories of “butt-love;” and most importantly, what the world would look like if we really could express ourselves, love who we want, and build the spaces around us “as we like it”. (Length 28:50) (PICTURED, above, L to R: Julia Valen (Rosalind / Ensemble), Abigail Gillan (Celia / Ensemble), Sara Holdren (Director), TayLar (Duke Seena / Ensemble) (above), Sarah Scanlon (Jaques / Ensemble) (below), Brennan Caldwell (Touchstone / Ensemble), Felix Teich (Orlando / Ensemble). Below, L to R: TayLar (Duke Seena / Ensemble) (above), Sarah Scanlon (Jaques / Ensemble). Photos by Peter Ringenberg.