Episode 406. Reduced Touring Origins

Published by austin on

JESS & DANIELOne of the highlights of the first weekend of The Complete Works of the Reduced Shakespeare Company (abridged) Extravaganza at the Reston Community Center was a very special Q&A with founding RSC members Daniel Singer and Jess and Sa Winfield, who told the audience what it was like in 1987 when the RSC changed from a pass-the-hat act to a professional touring theatre company. Featuring the origin stories of certain sections of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) , credit corrections, painful memories, high praise, overdue shout-outs, leg injuries, the benefits of unraveling beads, and the sight of dueling Ophelias. Recorded live at the Center Stage of Reston Community Center. (Length 22:29)

1 Comment

Z'eva Singer · September 25, 2014 at 9:18 am

Yes. I am Daniel Singer’s mother. I played Ophelia once. I think it was at Fort Mason. The unexpected cue:
“…even your mother could play this part.”

After listening to the pod cast, I wrote this to my son:

Hey Rover,
Just listened finally to the podcast.
I did find headphones and “upped” the volume beyond the norm and HEARD everything.

Why am I crying?

Guess it is like Laughter Yoga. I start laughing and then I am crying.


Not serious


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