Episode 326. Questions and Feedback

Published by austin on

The Reduced Shakespeare Company PodcastWe open up the RSC mailbag this week (and the website comment pages) and try to answer and respond to the many questions and abundant feedback we’ve received over the last couple of months. Featuring references to questions asked and answered, the definition of theatrical repertory, how old-timey radio relates to the RSC, the dangers of podcasting while eating Indian food, and a tribute to the late great Warren G. Harding. (Length 22:32)


austin · April 1, 2013 at 2:03 pm

Dear Loyal Listener:
We always appreciate hearing from concerned citizens. As Bartles once said to James, “Thank you for your support.”

John T. · March 27, 2013 at 12:52 pm

Dear Sirs:
Thank you for acknowledging my correction. And let that be the last angry letter I’m forced to write!

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